Hiring a Personal Injury Lawyer

You always hear about accidents that have happened from new broadcasts and friends or family.  Personal injury lawyer cases are not accidents because they are usually avoidable. They happen because of the negligence of another person. Sadly, negligent behavior can lead to someone sustaining serious injuries that can drastically change their quality of life.  You need a resourceful and experienced personal injury lawyer to aggressively pursue your case until you get compensation.

Ways Personal injuries can happen

Personal injury is the mental or physical injuries you sustain because of the negligent actions of another party. This can range from minor injuries to serious injuries that may result in death. Personal injuries can happen in the following ways:

  • Dog bites
  • Automobile accidents
  • Boating accidents
  • Slip and fall accidents
  • Trucking accidents
  • Motorcycle accidents
  • Medical malpractice and more

Personal injuries do not include damage to property.

Damages you can recover

Each case is special because of the different circumstances involved.  However, in most personal injury cases victims find themselves unable to work and they face high medical bills.  As a result they are shoved into an emotional and financial roller coaster that can make their lives unbearable. However, there is a way out, which comes in the form of compensation. You may be able to get the following damages if you were injured:

  • Lost wages from work including those lost when you are in therapy or when you have gone to medical appointments
  • Mental anguish including anxiety and depression
  • Past, current and future Medical bills
  • Pain and suffering
  • Permanent disfigurement or disability
  • Any cost that was a direct result of your injury

Florida personal injury laws

To get compensated in Florida, you have to prove that the person who injured you had a duty not to injure you but failed in that duty. Then you have to prove that his failing that duty directly caused or is related to your injuries. You must have also suffered damages.  However, in an automobile accident each person’s own insurance will pay for the injuries and damages that resulted from the accident. This is because Florida is a no-fault state and each driver must have a personal injury protection (PIP) policy.

You can file a personal injury lawsuit if the injuries you sustained in the car accident are serious. In Florida serious accidents are those that result in significant or permanent loss of important bodily function. They should also be accidents that result in permanent injury with a reasonable degree other than scarring or disfigurement and those that result in death. You can also file if the injury led to significant scarring or disfigurement.

Filing a claim

You have up to four years from the date of the personal injury to file a claim against the negligent party. If any negotiations between you and the party at fault or their insurance company does not bear fruit, then you should file a lawsuit before the four years are over.  File your personal injury lawsuit in the Florida County Court that has jurisdiction.

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